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Primary 6-12 Years

Montessori primary school is where the foundation built in the Pre-Primary is allowed to flourish and grow.

The Primary school years are divided into two stages, 6-9 years and 9-12 years. Both these classes cover the Irish National School Curriculum, while using the Montessori method which allows children to develop their academic, social and emotional skills.

The Montessori materials help the Primary child abstract key concepts in the academic curriculum while working in a collaborative manner.


In the 6-12 year cycle, materials are used with Geometry, Geography, Language, Mathematics, History, and Science. Other curriculum areas like Art, Music, Drama, Sport and a foreign Language are also covered.

Primary children can be characterised by their questioning minds, their ability to abstract and imagine, their moral social orientation and their thirst for research and exploration. Primary is a great period of expansion and growth.

Below are some of the curriculum areas covered.



The children learn about written and spoken language including grammar from a functional point of view. They develop their writing and reading skills in a stimulating environment with age appropriate stimuli and materials. As they get older, they learn debating skills. They are also supported in giving oral presentations to the class.

6-9 language montessori primary


The children learn about our indebtedness towards the past and the importance of our role in the present and towards the future. They are reminded through their work of the interconnectedness of humanity and all living things.


The children learn about physical, political and economic geography. This gives them an understanding of the interdependencies of the earth and life upon it. They learn from a global level and also from an Irish aspect.

Physical and Biological Sciences

The children gain an understanding of the origins and development of the Universe. They also learn about the interconnectedness of living things on earth , the development of life  and they also learn about humans’ relationships to this development. They gain a deep understanding of animal and plant classifications and enjoy doing science experiments to support the concepts they are learning.

The children take part in national events such as the RDS Science Fair.


The children learn History of Art and have opportunities to do Art activities using different mediums. They often do Art activities which are interlinked with other curriculum areas. The children take part in national Art competitions run by Texaco and the Association of Independent Junior Schools (AIJS).



Children learn by ‘doing’ in this regard whether its formal Drama classes or working on tenses of the verb. Concepts are often reinforced through dramatic representation. Drama is also offered as an extra-curricular activity.


The ethos of the school is Catholic but all denominations are welcome and attend. The children are prepared  for First Holy Communion and Confirmation in small groups if families wish. All children participate in moral formation.





Children are guided in singing activities and events with guitar and piano musical accompaniment. They prepare and put on concerts, plays and dance performances three times a year. They also learn about beat, melody and rhythm. They can learn tunes on the Montessori bells.



Physical Education

Ball and team skills are fostered through sports activities. The 3-6 children follow the ‘Buntús Start Programme’ once a week. The Senior Class do Multisport Skills on Wednesdays and on Friday afternoons a formal physical activity class, such as, Karate, HipHop or Soccer.

See the Learning Environment.

Foreign Language and Irish

Children learn greetings, oral language and songs in a variety of languages, with an emphasis on Irish, so as to attune their ear. Irish lessons start formally in the last year of the 3-6 Class programme and continue into Primary. The children learn the equivalent of the National School Curriculum. Their work is supported through the use of specially made didactic materials and Curriculum books. In the Primary years they start to have formal Spanish classes. The children learn a lot of their English vocabulary by looking at the word derivatives (etymology) from Greek and Latin. This helps with their vocabulary relating to Biology, Geometry, Geography, etc.


Working with Technology

Children learn to edit and write stories, plays and Powerpoint presentations. They also research areas of interest with a child-friendly World Wide Web.



The children learn through the development of the Mathematical mind, including arithmetic, geometry and algebra. The Montessori approach to arithmetic lays a perfect foundation for complete comprehension that number is quantity and size. Working towards abstraction is done as follows by repetition, memorisation, abstraction and application -  linking to other curriculum areas. Our resources are specially prepared didactic materials, encompassing games, charts, investigatory exercises and including the use of calculators. Our goal is for each student to be given the opportunity to achieve excellence in mathematical knowledge and skills to the best of his/her ability. Read more.


Environmental Studies

The children show caring towards the world at large. The 9-12 class run a Green Comittee with the support of other classes under the auspices of An Taisce. The flags they have obtained so far are: Litter and Waste, Energy and Water. They are currently working on Travel.

Personal Development

The children are supported in independently organising 'going out' activities or outings connected to their learning, for example art galleries, concerts etc. This leads to great independence through their work.

The 9-12 children have fortnightly meetings to plan their upcoming work. This helps them develop independence in preparation for secondary school.

Montessori education also caters to the elder members of society. The children visit an Alzheimers centre weekly.


The Montessori Directress and the Montessori materials facilitate the child's learning. Children build their own pattern of learning and develop naturally, creating a strong foundation that will last a lifetime.

At the Children's House Primary, we ensure the children are prepared for life after Montessori, by making sure they cover all aspects of the Irish National School Curriculum. The children do yearly standardised testing as set by the Department of Education. The mixed age group of the class helps foster positive role modelling and supports all children in their journey towards independence.