Welcome to our School
About Montessori
Pre Primary Ages 3-6
Primary Ages 6-9
Primary 9-12



Take a look at our video for an overview of our school

Step inside The Children's House Primary

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Ages 3 – 6

Children are aged from 3-6 years of age. Children are taught to lead by example. Prepared environment; materials are easily accessible so kids can access materials on their own.

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Ages 6 – 9

Children in this class are aged from 6-9 years of age. The children are encouraged to explore and learn new things on their own. This helps the children develop confidence.

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Ages 9 – 12

Children in this class are aged 9-12 and are being prepared for secondary school. There is focus on community, charity and fundraising which will help them prepare them for the…

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  • It's a beautiful, kind atmosphere where both my daughters have been extremely happy attending - thanks to all those who work at The Children's House Primary. My child loves attending The Children's House Primary. I love the attitude and the way the Montessori method is implemented. Yes, a lovely, friendly and open school. It has a real community feel. Lots of social events and education evenings to help parents to get to know each other and better understand the methods at the school. The school provides attention and personal care to each and every student, giving them a warm cosy environment. The Montessori method is a unique way of learning for kids without putting pressure on them.

    Some Comments from Parents

    (, )

  • “This is the type of school where people think about you and care for each other.”

    A 6-9 Class Pupil

    (, )

  • “We’re allowed to leave the classroom if we want to because the teacher trusts us”.


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See all Testimonials


Sports Day

chpadmin May 29, 2024

We are delighted to invite you to Sports Day on Friday 7th June.

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We would like to invite you the the Alumni Tea Party

chpadmin April 8, 2024

We are delighted to host a Tea Party for our distant and recent and soon-to-be Alumni on Sunday 19th of May. Please RSVP by…

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Botany – Cosmic Education Workshop

chpadmin February 19, 2024

We are delighted to invite you to the Botany - Cosmic Education Workshop with Ann Dunne on Saturday, 25th May. Ann Dunne is an…

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    Maria Montessori, a woman ahead of her time, was a person of great depth and insight. She was the first woman in Italy to be granted a medical degree before stepping into the field for which she is so well known – early child education. She was an ambassador for world peace; the UNICEF Charter of Human Rights and Rights of the Child were adopted directly from her. She was thrice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize (in 1949, 1950 and 1951) for her committed efforts on behalf of children, especially in the face of the fascism of World War II.

    Her deep commitment to children led her to become a champion in the research and development of their education. Doctor Montessori concluded that children have a natural love of life and learning that needed to be nurtured, not taken for granted. This philosophy, put into practice in her first Montessori school in Rome in 1907, has become her legacy to the millions of children today in the thousands of Montessori schools worldwide.

    Montessori education is centred on the child, with the Montessori “Directresses’ guiding rather than teaching. They are facilitators in the process of learning. The Montessori Directress presents the information to the child in a climate of mutual respect. By following and observing the child the Montessori Directress can recognise and respond to each child’s individual needs. Development of self-esteem, tolerance, mutual respect and concern for others are traits that are nurtured in this environment.


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