Tel: +353 (0)1 288 0417

Newsletter October 2017

Dear Parents We had a very well attended Parent Evening on the ‘Fostering of Independence’ this term. We are delighted...

Open Day 2017

This year our Open Day is on Saturday, 21st October 10am – 12 noon All welcome!  

Green School Flag

We were very proud to receive our first ever Green School Flag today presented to us by An Taisce at...


Dear Parents Another action-packed term has flown by. Some of the highlights have been: A very successful Parent Evening on...


Dear Parents Another action-packed term has flown by. Some of the highlights have been: A very successful Parent Evening on...

Parent Education Evening

Parent Education Evening with Cheese and WineThursday, 23rd March. Our topic will be: The Three ‘R’s’ in Montessori and The Good Shepherd An...

Parent Information Evening

Wednesday, 9th November at 7.30pm There will be an introductory talk on the Montessori method  followed by  a talk from Dr...

The Children’s House Open Day

Our Open Day this year is Saturday, 19th November 10am -12 noon. We look forward to welcoming you and to...

Parents’ Evening – 3-6 Directress’s Presentation

WHY MONTESSORI? Why did I choose this school??? Location??? Looks nice??? Friendly??? Free ECCE year??? Montessori principles??? Whatever your reason for being...

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