Fee Information
(3-6 year olds) – €5,350 per annum
Based on 2 payments of €2,675 in September 2023 and February 2024
Or can be paid by monthly standing order
(6-12 year olds) – €7230 per annum
Based on 2 payments of €3,615 in September 2023 and February 2024
Or can be paid by monthly standing order
(There is a discount for families with 3 or more children in the school. Third and subsequent children may avail of a discount of 25%).
Children within the ECCE scheme will be able to avail of 3 hours programme free of charge (9-12 noon).
There is also an option for children under the ECCE scheme to stay in excess of the ECCE 3 hours until 12.30pm each day with a time-based charge of €1,500 per annum (based on 2 payments of €750 in September 2023 and February 2024) for a 38 week period. Or can be paid by monthly standing order.
Early Morning/Lunchtime Supervision
Early morning Supervision is 8:30 – 9am
Lunchtime Supervision is until 1pm or 1.30pm
Cost – €3 per 30 minute session, €6 per hour session
Extended Day
For children aged over 3 (and who are ready for the longer day) staying at school until 3pm:
1 afternoon per week per term (there are 3 terms in a year) €117 per term
2 afternoons per week per term (there are 3 terms in a year) €233 per term
3 afternoons per week per term (there are 3 terms in a year) €350 per term
4 afternoons per week per term (there are 3 terms in a year) €466 per term
5 afternoons per week per term (there are 3 terms in a year) €583 per term
Junior Class – €87.00 per annum
Senior Class – €117.00 per annum
- by bank transfer, identified with child’s name, to:
The Children’s House Ltd No 1 Account
Bank of Ireland, Stillorgan, Sort Code 90-10-95, a/c no 45559369
IBAN number: IE55 BOFI 9013 3545 5593 69 BIC : BOFIIE2D
- by standing order to above account.