Tel: +353 (0)1 288 0417


The Children’s House School is a school which welcomes children from three years of age and provides education for them until the age of twelve  to the highest standards,  based on the Montessori Method, which aims to release a child’s full potential.

The learning environment is divided into three year cycles, 3-6, 6-9 and 9-12. Each environment is fully equipped with the beautiful Montessori equipment to enable a child to learn in a structured way in a manner which is age and ability appropriate.  Miss Veronica Ryan was our founder, a Montessori pioneer, she travelled to Holland to study  Montessori  there.  Architect Arthur Douglas designed the Children’s House for her, with an emphasis on a child’s scale; low door handles, child height sinks, windows affording small children a view to the wooded garden were innovative and still provide a memorable and beautiful place. Since 1952, the Children’s House Family continues to grow. Maria Montessori continues to inspire us with her deep understanding of the child.

“Our care of the child should be governed, not by the desire to make him learn things, but by the endeavour always to keep burning within him that light which is called intelligence.”
― Maria Montessori

We  have four excellent classroom environments, richly equipped with Montessori materials. Mathematics, religion, language, cultural subjects, languages including Irish and Spanish, music, art and  sport are taught.  Set in a garden amid a mixed variety of trees, with well equipped play areas, it is a delightful oasis in a busy, urban area.